Monday, April 9, 2007

A lot on the mind of Moon

It has been a while since I posted and wanted to get something off my chest.

First off, my guild as a fun event for the past weekend decided on a trial run into Karazan. This place is a BLAST!! We had a good number of guild members attuned so we were able to keep the run in-house. I wasnt in the rotation for the initial run so I missed on the first boss kill but I was able to get in for a majority of the run and was in on the "animal" boss kill. We managed to skip the second floor and ran up to the third floor. I was amazed how a single 72 Elite managed to completely wipe out our entire party but when I checked my log and saw that he bitch-slapped me for over 7k I stopped being surprised. If you have a chance to get in here, you have to pay attention to what the concubines and mistresses are saying, borderline adult chat if you can read between the lines!! Overall the guild had a blast in there even though the Maiden of Virtue managed to wipe us out.

Now on to what has me wondering this week:

What is it about playing this game that seems to bring out the worst in people? Is it so much like a certain drug where it seems to "enhance" what people really are or is this just another case where anonymity allows people to exhibit personalities that are not their own?

Recently we went thru some typical guild drama in which we had players feeling "left out" in the cold while certian groups of players always were running together. Now a part of me agreed that far too often you would see a core group of the guild's leadership running together. The other part of me thought that this group of players had every right to run together as their schedules fit well and they were good friends. I think the issue came down to people not willing to take responsibility for instance runs on themselves and depended way to much on guild leadership. The drama came in when one person decided to be the voice of the disgruntled membership and started ripping guild leaders left and right over this issue.

So it made me wonder if all this drama was necessary or was this just someone who needed to step up on their own and get done what they needed to get done. What makes some of us driven to do what we have to and others always looking for handouts? Now I have no problem when guild crafters ask for assistance with resources when they are leveling and produce items for free, but those players who feel that at all times that membership in a guild means that members drop everything they do to help out just ticks me off.

more to come.....